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Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District - Homepage

Groundwater Management Area 7

GMA 7 meetings are listed at the Texas Water Development Board. To see when our next meeting is, click here.

Next Meeting: TDB


Previous Meeting:

March 21, 2024 @10:30
Sutton County Civic Center, Sonora



Draft Explanatory Report 2017 


Contact Information
Meredith E. Allen
GMA Coordinator
General Manager
Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District
301 South Crockett Avenue
Sonora, Texas 76950
Telephone: 325-387-2369
Fax: 325-387-5737
Email: [email protected]



Regional Water Planning Group Representatives:
Region F: Rhetta Yanez
Region G: Dale Adams
Region J: Genell Hobbs
Region K: Paul Tybor
Region L: Vic Hilderbran

Groundwater Conservation Districts (either partially or completely included)

  • Coke County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Crockett County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Edwards Aquifer Authority
  • Glasscock Groundwater Conservation District
  • Hickory Underground Water Conservation District No. 1
  • Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District
  • Irion County Water Conservation District
  • Kimble County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Kinney County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Lipan-Kickapoo Water Conservation District
  • Lone Wolf Groundwater Conservation District
  • Menard County Underground Water District
  • Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District
  • Plateau Underground Water Conservation And Supply District
  • Real-Edwards Conservation And Reclamation District
  • Santa Rita Underground Water Conservation District
  • Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Terrell County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Uvalde County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Wes-Tex Groundwater Conservation District


April 18, 2015 - Overview of Texas Geology and the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer Conference

James Ward, Ph.D, P.G. Assistant Professor of Geology, Angelo State University

GMA 7 Joint Planning and Protecting Property Rights in Water
Caroline Runge, Consulting Manager, Menard County Underground Water District

Weather Modification: Benefit Cost Analysis and a Look into Weather Patterns for 2015
Jonathan A. Jennings, Meteorologist, West Texas Weather Modification Association

The Use of Groundwater Availability Models in Texas in the Establishment of Desired Future Conditions in GMA 7
Bill Hutchison, Ph.D, P.E, P.G. Independent Groundwater Consultant