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Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District - Homepage

Past Events & Publications


Conference held at the Texas AgriLife Experiment Station
Sonora, April 2013 

History of Texas Water Law

Current Texas Water Law

Recharge in Arid Land

Basic Hydrogeology Sutton County

Hydraulic Fracturing

Weather Modification

Future Groundwater Use  

Long-Term Precipitation

Understanding the Consequences of Drought 

Edwards Plateau Rain Harvest 5-22-13
On May 22nd of 2013 Sonora hosted the Edwards Plateau Soil and Water Conservation District meeting. The event took place at the Condra Ranch and focused on the ranch's rainwater harvesting systems. The agenda included the above Underground Water Conservation District presentation.  




Texas Well Owner Network Presentations given in Sonora July 23, 2014

1. Aquifers in Texas

2. Well Basics

3. Septic Systems
(broken into four parts in order to maintain the quality of the slides)
Part 1: Introduction through "Septic Tank and Soil Treatment Area"
Part 2: "Components of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System" 
  through "Role of Vegetative Cover"
Part 3: "What is an Aerobic Treatment Unit?" through Drip System
Part 4: "Feeding the System" to End 

4. Water Quantity

5. Water Quality and Testing

6. Water Treatment

7. Basic Hydrogeology (includes some Weather Modification information)

8. Protecting Your Water Supply