United States Environmental Protection Agency
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the environmental agency for the state.
The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts (TAGD), formerly the Texas Groundwater Conservation Districts Association, was formed on May 12, 1988.
The Texas Water Conservation Association is the leading organization in Texas devoted to conserving, developing, protecting, and using the water resources of the state for all beneficial purposes.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is the state's umbrella occupational regulatory agency, responsible for the regulation of 29 occupations and industries.
The Office of the Texas State Climatologist (OSC) is housed in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University. The OSC serves as a clearinghouse for climate information for the state of Texas.
The Bureau of Economic Geology, established in 1909, is the oldest research unit at The University of Texas at Austin. The Bureau, part of The John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin, also functions as the State Geological Survey.
Protecting and Enhancing Natural Resources for Tomorrow.
The Railroad Commission has primary regulatory jurisdiction over oil and natural gas industry, pipeline transporters, natural gas & hazardous liquid pipeline industry, natural gas utilities, the LP-gas industry, and coal & uranium surface mining operations.
The satellite and radar links page contains the West Texas Weather. Modification TITAN radar image and other radar and satellite links for West Texas.